Month: April 2005

  • negligence

    I have been negligent in my postings. It’s been almost two weeks, and I leave the following poor excuses for the gentle reader: 1. Work has been very busy. 2. Home has been very busy. 3. I bought a new toy that’s kept me very busy. 4. I simply didn’t feel like writing. I did…

  • Canada’s Immigration Policy

    Perhaps this should be titled “Canada’s Immigration Policy: Just say NO!”. Read this article from a gentleman who works for the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, a noble and honourable society and you’ll feel sick inside. Perhaps Immigration Canada has forgotten that apart from the native American’s we are all immigrants, if not first or second…

  • Google Maps part II

    Google Maps now has satelite imagery included. Search for your address, and hit the “satelite” link on the top right of the screen. You can zoom, drag and move it just like the maps. Way cool!

  • April showers? Ya right!

    Between Saturday morning and Sunday evening we were dumped with 30cm (12 inches) of snow. Not showers, but cold, slushy, wet snow. It was so wet that if you touched it with a shovel in a desperate attempt to dig out your car, it turned to slush and instantly doubled in weight. The worst part…

  • Human Rights Commissions: but who’s rights

    A Calgary bishop stands up for his (and my) beliefs, and gets hauled in front of the Alberta Human Rights commission. But who’s rights are at stake? Two openly gay people have been offended, and decided to file a complaint. Unfortunately for the Bishop Fred Henry and the rest of us Christian Canadians, the odds…

  • April Fools Roundup

    It’s April Fools again, and the media is in full swing. Here’s what I’ve seen so far: The Hamilton Ticats are splitting up into two teams, going back to the way it was a few decades ago. Updates on their site. Sheila Copps announced on CHML 900 that she’s running for major in the next…