Month: October 2005

  • googlebar

    I’ve noticed something very cool about the latest Google Toolbar. The wizards at Google have very quietly incorporated the Google Suggest features into the toolbar. When I start typing (provided I type slowly), A drop down box appears with common terms matching what I’ve typed, but with the number of hits beside it. That has…

  • my name in print, take 2

    I wrote another article for BEA’s dev2dev site, published today! It’s about WebLogic 9.0 (released a month ago), specifically about the new JMS (Java Messaging) features. It’s available here for your perusal.

  • Why English Teachers Die Young

    Every now and then a list like this makes it around the internet. Have a look over here, it’s very funny. The odd part is that while these are bloopers, written by high school students, with a bit of refinement Stephen Leacock could have written them.

  • Million Dollar Homepage

    Here’s a university student with a great idea for paying his tuition. He’s got a page with 1 million squares of advertising space, available at $1 per square. So far he’s up to $435K already!

  • Microsoft Feels Your Pain

    Microsoft has setup a new program called “Microsoft Feels Your Pain”. The video speaks better than text, have a look over here. It’s brilliant! I’m going to setup this system at work for those break the auto-build system we’ve got running. 🙂

  • Popeye

    On a whim I bought a set of Popeye DVD’s, for a whopping $6.88 at Walmart. I’ve always loved Popeye as a kid, and here was 24 episodes, color and black&white! My lovely wife doesn’t share my love for Popeye sailor man, but Noah and Mikaela think he’s the greatest. And as an added benefit,…

  • coyote

    On Tuesday I had the opportunity to crew on the “Coyote”, a 42-foot sailboat owned by my neighbour, who incidentally works in the same department as I do. You can see a few pictures of the boat here, here (boat on the left) and here (boat on the far right). The pictures were of an…

  • 500 feet

    Yesterday I biked to work. Not on my moped, but on my bicycle. Unlike my brother‘s five minute ride, it’s a 25km ride, with about 500 feet of elevation changes. The way to work is all downhill, and took an hour, including a scenic ride along the Bayfront trail. Consequently the way back is all…