Month: April 2007

  • birds of two colors

    While walking down a tree-lined path, two of my colleagues who have just arrived from the UK asked me about some birds that were making a tremendous racket in the trees. The conversation went something like this: Them: Mike, what kind of birds are those Mike: Which ones? Them: Those black ones with red spots…

  • is your job dull?

    Check out how this guy fixes high voltage power lines. Absolutely fantastic.

  • thunderbird 2.0

    I’ve been running Linux on my laptop at work for the past six weeks and have gotten to really like the Thunderbird email client (which works on Windows and Mac’s too). Version 2.0 has been released today, it’s excellent. It ties in nicely to Exchange, threads messages somewhat reasonably, and is usually quite stable. If…

  • chocolate holidays

    This thought is brought to you by one of Jodie’s professors, about the various religious and meaningful holidays turned into chocolate holidays. Christmas: we celebrate the birth of chocolate. Valentines Day: celebration of the love of chocolate. Thanksgiving: give thanks for chocolate Easter: celebrate the rebirth of chocolate after giving it up for forty days…