last weekend

The past weekend stands out for a few reasons.

The first is we attended a benefit concert put on by Watoto, a group of 7-15 year-old children from Uganda. They stand out because all of them have lost one or both parents to AIDS and warfare. The ministry’s goal is to rescue 10,000 of the 800,000 orphans in Uganda, placing them in orphanage villages, made up of houses with surrogate mothers (presumably young widows?). The villages are complete with school and churches. What an awesome ministry that is. The choir was incredible, the children were incredibly diciplined, and very exuberant. It was great to watch them dance and sing and praise God all at the same time. Us North Americans must seem very boring by comparison.

And the second reason is that I’ve now reached the ripe old age of 30. It’s not really that much different than 29, but it’s a good cause for celebration if nothing else.

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