Massassauga in detail

As requested, here’s an in-depth analysis of the previously mentioned canoe trip.

We left Thursday morning, arriving on the lake around 11ish. We had lunch at the end of the portage on Spider lake, and paddled the last kilometer over to campsite #5. As you can see from the pictures, this site is unbelievable. It’s like camping on your own tropical island. The beach is about 200 feet long, ending on both sides in steep rocks. We fished off the south side (had a few on the hook, but didn’t land any) and climbed the cliffs on the north end.

The pictures show where we placed our tent… 8 feet from the water. There’s a fire pit just inside the tree line, and three areas for tents. There’s also a fire pit on the beach, which we made good use of.

At night the moon shone into our tent, it being warm enough to leave the fly mostly off. Ben slept outside, only coming into the tent when he started getting damp with dew, early in the morning.

We spent most of our time swimming. The water was warm enough, and it felt like it was around 30 degrees or so (at the end of September!). Site #5 is great when the weather is good, but doesn’t provide much shelter if a West wind picked up.

Friday morning we lounged around until lunch time, and then made the trek back. It was short, but well worth the effort.

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