Month: October 2004

  • Lucas Gerbrand Hart

    I have been remiss in announcing the arrival of my nephew, Lucas Gerbrand Hart. Born to Brian and Alanna, fourth grandson to my parents, he looks like a really cute little guy. Unfortunately he lives 500km or so away, so it’ll be a few more weeks until I can vouch for this myself. Congratulations Brian…

  • Dulcimer

    I’ve been working on a hammered dulcimer for some time now, and here are some pictures. It’s slow going, but I hope to get it done sometime this winter.

  • Family and Friends

    Here’s an interesting blog entry from a friend about my brother, with his response. Everything they write is true… they were very good friends. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 😉

  • spam, spam and more spam

    Sometimes I long for the earlier times, the simpler times, when spam was simply that fake meat in a can. But not too often, since fighting the modern kind of spam pays really well. Some of you may have noticed a new trend in spam, comment spam on blogs. Most of the spam appearing on…

  • Massassauga in detail

    As requested, here’s an in-depth analysis of the previously mentioned canoe trip. We left Thursday morning, arriving on the lake around 11ish. We had lunch at the end of the portage on Spider lake, and paddled the last kilometer over to campsite #5. As you can see from the pictures, this site is unbelievable. It’s…