Month: May 2005

  • Kezia Raine Hart

    Today God blessed our family with a beautiful baby girl. Kezia Raine was born this morning around 9:30, and weighs in at 8 pounds and 1 ounce. Mother and daughter are recovering well, brother Noah isn’t quite sure yet, sister Mikaela adores her new sister, and Dad is hopelessly in love with the little new…

  • 1:13:40

    I ran a trail race this morning, one of the 5 Peaks series in Dundas Valley. The route was 13.9 km long, and the last 0.9 km really took its toll. I started with three targets in mind: 1:15 would be a realistic time, 1:10 is ecstatic, and 1:20 would still be acceptable. Finishing was…

  • UFO’s are real!

    And Google proves it here!

  • defection

    As you’ve probably read by now, Belinda Stronach, a Conservative MP (Canadian politician) has defected to the Liberal party. The budget vote on Thursday needed the support of all three independent MP’s for the Liberals to hold together a minority government, now that’s down to two. I’m completely against the legality of this move. Ms.…

  • windows weirdness

    For the past two weeks I have been unable to reach two sites from my home PC, and At first I thought it had something to do with both of them being in hamilton, until a quick peek at this site (if you can read Italian or at least make out what it…

  • embarrasing moments

    Kids say the most honest things at the most inappropriate times. That’s more of a fact than my opinion, but yesterday Mikaela (2.5 years old) proved it again. A gentleman walked past us in a store. He didn’t look that overweight, but had an enourmous belly. Mikaela announced in a very loud voice in the…