Month: August 2005

  • New Orleans – predictions from the past

    I’m sure every blogger has written about the disaster in New Orleans, so I’ll keep it brief. This study was written last year, describing the worst-case scenario if a large hurricane hit New Orleans. It’s exactly what happened… the paper predicts it’ll take 9 weeks to pump the water out of the city. Our thoughts…

  • forgotten passwords

    I haven’t written in a long time because a) work was absolutely nuts for the past three weeks and b) I was sick and c) I used the Firefox password manager and d) I moved to a Mac Mini and the passwords didn’t migrate and e) the password for my own blog was in the…

  • running with the deer

    Yesterday morning I managed to get out for an early morning run. Ok, you’ll realize by now that “early morning” and I don’t go together too well. Correctly stated this should read that “Yesterday morning Jodies shoved me out of bed …”. You get the idea. One of my favourite trails follows the top of…