Month: July 2006

  • Google Maps for Mobile

    I wondered what Google was up to when they bought ReqWireless, a small company in Waterloo, Ontario, which specialized in web browsers for mobile devices (Blackberry and others). That question was answered when they released the Google Maps for Mobile, complete with traffic updates and all sorts of goodies. Now it all makes sense.

  • WriteRoom: A new way to write

    Ever get tired of your word processor with it’s gazillion menus and buttons, overlapping windows and clutter? Try WriteRoom, an application that lets you write in full screen mode, green text on a black screen, the way computers were meant to be. 🙂 Just you and the text and a cursor. Nothing else. In all…

  • What is this thing?

    A few weeks ago Mikaela found this creature in our garden. It was stuck in a window well, so we captured it and released it in the garden. Current bets are that it’s either a gecko, or a common salamander. Click on the picture for the full-size images (courtesy Flickr).

  • FIFA Soccer Improvements

    Now that the World Cup 2006 is over and the best team failed to win (“Hup Holland Hup!”) we have some suggestions to FIFA on how to improve the game. Namely: Two referees on the field. One simply isn’t enough. Stop the clock on injuries. None of this adding time stuff. Every other major league…