Month: August 2006


    This post is brought to you by It’s Google’s answer to Word… pretty wild. You can edit documents just like you can in Word, share them, collaborate, and post to a blog like I’m doing here! There’s options to save the document to writely’s servers, or as Word, OpenOffice or PDF versions to your…

  • Lord of the Rings

    In a complete reversal of roles, yesterday Jodie took me to see the Lord of the Rings, played in the Princess of Wales theatre in Toronto. It’s an absolutely incredible piece of theatrical work. The show goes on for 3.5 hours, which goes by incredibly quickly. The music is excellent, the props and effects are…

  • Backups

    A quick questionaire for my handful of readers. Do you ever backup your PC’s to CD or DVD? (or floppies?) What is your strategy for recovering your pictures, music and/or documents in case your computer breaks (ie: harddrive breaks and data is lost) or is stolen? Please leave answers in the comments. I have a…

  • Hewlett & Packard

    Some enterprising artisst in Silicon Valley made cardboard cutouts of various tech pioneers, including Hewlett & Packard (two inventors who started HP), attached a phone to track them, and let them out in the wild. They’ve had lots of adventures, finally ending up at HP headquarters. HP, a large corporation without a sense of humor,…

  • birds of a feather

    I always thought that gawking at accident scenes was primarly a human trait, but I have been proven wrong. We have a bird house attached to the back fence, which a pair of sparrows have used to raise two sets of young ones this spring. The second batch is flying, but still sleep in the…