Month: November 2006

  • Noah’s Arm

    Noah’s cast came off earlier this week, for the second time. The first time was during his two week appointment, due to some confusion at the fracture clinic. His arm throbbed, since it wasn’t healed properly, but the upside was that the nurses could clean his arm and put on a cast that fit a…

  • A week in the life of Mike…

    I spent all of last week debugging a very weird problem with a colleague, where a small service (roughly 3000 lines of code) was appending a random set of characters at the end of a message, at seemingly random times. In hindsight we were surprised the code actually ran without crashing. But just to let…

  • St. George

    This space has been neglected for a while, due to moving my family to the bustling metropolis of St. George. It’s a little town of about 2700, roughly 10 minutes north of Brantford. Our place backs on to a park, and on the one side of the park is a corn field. It’s the best…