the devil we know
I’m thoroughly disgusted by Canadians. We’ve once again voted in the Liberals. While they don’t have a a majority government (even with the help of the NDP), they are still the ruling party. I mean, they’ve only wasted a few billion on the gun registry, and a few more billion on the sponshorship hoopla… but…
Wednesday evening Noah (four year old son, picture is elsewhere in this blog) threw a rock through our car window. That wouldn’t have been so bad, except the window was closed. Thankfully the windows are designed with this sort of mishap in mind, and don’t shatter into a million sharp splinters. Instead they explode into…
Seven days and counting until Canada’s national election. Canadians are notoriously apathetic when it comes to elections, with something like 40% voter turnout. Mind you, that’s higher than our friends down south, but it’s rather poor, especially when there’s so much uproar about the current government. The issue of voter privacy is a very interesting…
test of version 1.2
I’ve just upgrade my blogging software to WordPress 1.2. Mostly I’ve done this because the new version can upload files, and create thumbnails. The only pictures I have to show are those of my two children (who thankfully finally went to sleep). So here they are:
Tuesday June 15 saw another successful rendition of the Campfire! Golf tournament. It’s held at the Guelph Lakes golf course. We had 144 golfers, and the weather was excellent. We raised almost $21,000 for campfire! Apart from a wounded bird (killed in midflight by an errant golf ball), a bruised Canada goose (stopped a 150…
The original purpose of this blog was computer-related, so here’s my first related post. Last week I dealt with pessimisted entity beans. There are also optimistic entity beans. Wait! Before I lose you in what Dr. Seuss describes as goobly-gook, let me explain. Not what entity beans have to do with pessimism, but more about…
Last night we had a storm that dumped 100 millimeters of rain in less than two hours. Included in the mix was lightning, hail, and strong winds. There’s a waterfall coming down the Hamiton escarpment beside Highway 403 that’s normally pretty tame. Last night it looked like Niagara Falls. There was so much pressure that…