Category: General

  • Ottawa

    I visitted Ottawa to see whether or not the pictures spoke truly of my newest nephew. Alas, the pictures lied. He’s far cuter in real life. He’ll stare at you for as long as you’re willing to hold him, and he like me so much he fell asleep on my shoulder. What an awesome little…

  • Lucas Gerbrand Hart

    I have been remiss in announcing the arrival of my nephew, Lucas Gerbrand Hart. Born to Brian and Alanna, fourth grandson to my parents, he looks like a really cute little guy. Unfortunately he lives 500km or so away, so it’ll be a few more weeks until I can vouch for this myself. Congratulations Brian…

  • Dulcimer

    I’ve been working on a hammered dulcimer for some time now, and here are some pictures. It’s slow going, but I hope to get it done sometime this winter.

  • Family and Friends

    Here’s an interesting blog entry from a friend about my brother, with his response. Everything they write is true… they were very good friends. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 😉

  • spam, spam and more spam

    Sometimes I long for the earlier times, the simpler times, when spam was simply that fake meat in a can. But not too often, since fighting the modern kind of spam pays really well. Some of you may have noticed a new trend in spam, comment spam on blogs. Most of the spam appearing on…

  • Massassauga in detail

    As requested, here’s an in-depth analysis of the previously mentioned canoe trip. We left Thursday morning, arriving on the lake around 11ish. We had lunch at the end of the portage on Spider lake, and paddled the last kilometer over to campsite #5. As you can see from the pictures, this site is unbelievable. It’s…

  • It’s been a while

    It’s been a while since my last post, so here’s a quick update. Massassauga The main reason I didn’t write is because of a tiny canoe trip I took last week. Planning started on Tuesday… Noah, Ben and I left on Thursday morning, and returned Friday night. It was the best we could do with…

  • ZFS – a manly filesystem

    Sometimes people ask what I do. When I tell them, they quickly get that blank far-away stare in their eyes and wish they hadn’t asked. (Actually I have a bit of tact and make it quite simple). So, in case you really do want to know what I do, part of my job is managing…

  • Aiden William Hart

    Yesterday my brand-new nephew, Aiden William Hart was born. He’s a strapping big lad, weighing in at over 10 pounds. The son of a very proud (albeit tired) Eric and a real trooper (go Becky go!) Becky, he’s a real Dutchman. He’s already got huge feet, and will need a sponsorship from Nike to keep…

  • sleeping babies

    By far the most rewarding part of parenting is helping your children fall asleep. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my children just as much when they are awake as when they are asleep. But there’s something about tucking a child in (usually in the wee hours of the morning after they’ve fallen out…

  • Linkx

    I’ve added two links on the right of this blog. The first is a public bookmarks site, at It’s a free service, allowing me to do the following: post my bookmarks up there, so I can access them from any computer I want. This sounds useless, but I typically use two or more computers…

  • New Picture Gallery

    I’ve finally managed to get a decent online photo album to work. There’s lots of free ones (like here) but I want control of my own destiny, specifically without any extra advertistement. My photo album is available here. For whatever reason I can’t delete the test albums I’ve created, but the Rock Lake album is…

  • Mopeds

    Yesterday I took someone’s moped for spin. It’s a Tomos Bullet, pretty much brand new. He uses it to drive back and forth to work, which leaves the van for his wife, and allows them to get along with just one vehicle. According to Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, a moped must be less than 50cc…

  • PhysEd & Christian Education

    Tim Challies writes an interesting article here about the lack of physical education at Christian Schools. Having spent many years in the same schools as Tim (except the Scotland stint) I can attest to the same physical training, or lack thereof. I also had very little athletic inclinations in school, and unlike Tim, was rather…

  • Where’s the Internet? announced yesterday that the words “internet”, “web” and “net” will no longer be spelled with capital letters. Seems that the words really are common place and don’t need to be capitalized. Ask any spider or fisher-person, the words have been around for centuries.

  • Saturday night cruise

    Saturday evening we had the pleasure of crusing on the Grand River, courtesy of the Grand River Boat Farm. The cruise was ok, but the cause was excellent. It was a fundraiser for the World Wide Christian Schools organization (no website yet). They organize funding for building Christian schools in poor areas of the world,…

  • Deer and bikes

    I saw two things this morning that I normally don’t. First I saw five deer in the field across the road from our house, only 20 metres or so from our house. They normally stay near the back, about 1km or so away. The second thing was a guy dumping his motorcycle right in front…

  • spam

    I was only away from work for 6 days, and had 334 emails arrive in my absence. Wow, I must be popular! Ya right, after my spam filter had a go at my inbox, 250 of those were classified as spam (from mortgage offers to free phones to viagra ads and much worse). Of the…

  • Snakes and Rafts

    We had an awesome canoe trip last week, as described about a week ago in this post. The weather was great, company was excellent, the wildlife behaved, the food…. ahhh, lets leave the food out of it for now. For the impatient who don’t like to read more than a few words, pictures are available…

  • Eats, Shoots and Leaves

    As an avid bookstore fan (I spend many lunch hours browsing the Coles’s close to my office) I’ve been wondering about the book called “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”. Turns out it’s a book on punctuation; and the correct or rather incorrect use of punctuation in current writing. In fact, it talks about the complete desecration…